Fight Infection and Disease

Ask us about our ozone therapy sessions in Lancaster, NY

Are you familiar with ozone therapy? If not, Kimberly Heeb Nurse Practitioner in Lancaster, NY is here to fill you in. This treatment option increases energy production within cells, which can boost your metabolism and immune system. With a strong immune system, your body will be better prepared to fight certain bacterial and viral infections like Lyme disease and parasites.

Our goal is to help you stay strong and healthy, so schedule a free consultation with our ozone therapist today.

How can ozone therapy help you?

Many patients have experienced the benefits of regular ozone therapy. Some of their health conditions included:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Macular degeneration
  • Chronic infections
  • Diabetic ulcers
  • Gangrene
  • Cancer

Ozone therapy can even help slow the aging process by increasing oxygen production in the brain, muscles and skin. If you have questions about our services, reach out to our ozone therapist today.

All documentation and practices are based on the research and opinions of our practitioners and have not been evaluated/approved by the FDA. We do not diagnose or treat diseases; participation is at the sole discretion of the user. Individual results may vary.